Look back at the photo blog may 2019
I introduce the photograph of May which was popular on the official Instagram of "JapanTravel".In May, photos related to "anime", which boasts Japan at USJ, were popular.
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It is a photograph of USJ "UNIVERSAL COOL JAPAN 2019".It becomes the photograph that has been shared to many people.The popular anime is an array of foreign people such as Lupin III, Godzilla, and Evangelion.
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The following is a picture of Dotonbori.Osaka Dotonbori is also a popular spot for foreign tourists.The atmosphere is good that the color use is retro.
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The photograph of "Sennichimae" which is near from Dotonbori is also continued.Many foreign tourists visit this area every day.This crowd is made to feel Osaka.
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It is a photograph of "manhole" that is unexpectedly popular.In fact, every manhole has a fancy design, and you can enjoy it in each region.What kind of manhole is your city?
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This is also popular "train series" from Wakayama to Osaka [Panda Kuroshio] is running.The face is a panda and is very popular with the children.When you look closely, the chair is also a panda's face.
Please enjoy the retrospective of April.

Photo memories 2019/04